
Justice for Lai Dai Han is a group that gives a voice to the victims of sexual violence and campaigns for South Korea to recognise and apologise for widespread rape and sexual violence against Vietnamese women in the Vietnam War.

South Korea has yet to recognise or apologise for the sexual violence committed by its troops in the Vietnam War.

By failing to recognise and apologise for the sexual violence committed by South Korean soldiers, the South Korean government is denying justice to the victims of rape and to the children born as a result of these acts.

In 2017, the South Korean Government stated its ambition to be “the mecca for the issue of wartime suppression of women’s rights”. That being said, South Korea continues to refuse to acknowledge or apologise for the violent sexual crimes committed by its troops during the Vietnam War.

Justice for Lai Dai Han works with policy makers, writers and artists to ensure this injustice is finally recognised, alongside our fundraising efforts on behalf of the Lai Dai Han and their families. 

Our work seeks to raise public awareness, to allow community leaders to connect with the victims of sexual violence to understand their suffering first hand and to create public art as a permanent reminder of the plight of the Lai Dai Han.